Главная >> Report "Sviatky 2011" >> Evening Programme

Добро пожаловать на фестиваль «Святочные встречи»!

Международный фестиваль психотерапии и практической психологии «Святочные встречи» проходит ежегодно 8-12 января на юге России.

Содержание Фестиваля составляют различные формы профессионального взаимодействия (творческие мастерские, дискуссионные группы, семинары, супервизии, большие группы, собрания сообщества и др.) между специалистами в области обслуживания психического здоровья населения, а также различные формы презентации профессиональной деятельности.

Мы предлагаем вам привезти на фестиваль «Святочные встречи» свой уникальный профессиональный опыт, свои размышления, своих новых коллег и знакомых. От всех нас будет зависеть, станет ли программа очередных «Святок» насыщенной и интересной.

Evening Programme

Christmas-Tide Leisure – Five Evenings

I think more should be told about the evening programme so that you could join it just the way you want.

Evening One – Welcome Party. First there is going to be  an official part where you will meet the Directors and the Jury, see the prizes and learn how to win them, listen to some welcome speeches and say yours (better let us know beforehand). After that there is dancing and toasting (you don’t have to mention that beforehand).

Evening Two – a football match will be held and parallel to that (for the non-football people) there will be a movie session. Those who want to play football can have their own team. One of teams is a stable participant of the contest – the SRPA Team Psychodynamic Elks is ready now and will meet any challenger. You can bring your own fans or recruit them right at the spot. The unique part of this is that even women and children can play football at Sviatky. After the movie and the football you can prove t that Rock-n-Roll is still alive and join a theme disco party.

Evening Three – a tour to the swimming pool has been planned. Those who want can have a water polo battle against the SRPA female team Psychedelic Seals while others can swim, dive, cheer and try to find some other way to have fun at the water. Those who are far from the water sports are welcome at our movie house. More details about the movies will be provided later.

Evening Four – the traditional skit party and it depends on us alone. Experienced Sviatky people get ready beforehand yet the performances may come into being right at the spot. This could be related to any genre and if yours fits no existing genre then you can invent your own. All the performers will be given a hearty welcome and the winners will get their prizes.

The Last Fifth Evening we will congratulate the winners of the Festival at the final carnival party. We hope that every participant will feel a winner. Besides, there is always a chance to get a prize up to the final minute of the party.
After announcing the winner in the nominations there is going to be a carnival costume contest. Sviatky people have accumulated great experience in making their costumes right at the Festival even though the ones created in advance used to be more successful. Dancing and toasting will help you in making the right decision while selecting The Chosen One (He & She) and the last prize will be awarded to the one paying most for the Sviatky doll. The Sviatky tradition runs that the one who gets this final prize will be lucky throughout the entire year.

«Christmas-Tide Vacation»


We are happy to invite children, 7-14 years of age, to participate in the programme of the Festival! There are many types of vacation … full of passions and meanings or just meaningless … These can give you some good rest, bright impressions and knowledge, good acquaintances with new people and new meetings with the old good friends. The Child Programme is a passionate vacation full of great meaning. For many years this has been a chance to spend some time at the seaside going on tours and walks. This is a time when you can meet former and new participants of the Child Programme. This is various interesting workshops bringing new knowledge that have been developed by specialists experienced in child and adolescent psychology. We believe your child will find a meaning in spending this vacation at Sviatky.

In order to be better prepared if you are coming to the Festival with your children you can read Guide for Parents at our web-site www.sviatky.ru

The major leaders of the Child Programme are Larisa Reiner, Stavropol (+7-918-87-49-203, Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript ) and Darya Sokolova, Moscow ( Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript ). Please, contact the leaders in advance to discuss the details.

Обновлено 08.11.2011 00:57

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