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Добро пожаловать на фестиваль «Святочные встречи»!

Международный фестиваль психотерапии и практической психологии «Святочные встречи» проходит ежегодно 8-12 января на юге России.

Содержание Фестиваля составляют различные формы профессионального взаимодействия (творческие мастерские, дискуссионные группы, семинары, супервизии, большие группы, собрания сообщества и др.) между специалистами в области обслуживания психического здоровья населения, а также различные формы презентации профессиональной деятельности.

Мы предлагаем вам привезти на фестиваль «Святочные встречи» свой уникальный профессиональный опыт, свои размышления, своих новых коллег и знакомых. От всех нас будет зависеть, станет ли программа очередных «Святок» насыщенной и интересной.

17th Festival of Psychotherapy and Practical Psychology
Christmas-Tide Meetings-2011

January, 8-13, 2011

Recreation Centre “Crystal”, Hosta, Sochi, Russia


Dear Colleagues!


Passions ebb and flow while we try to find the meaning of life, and no man can avoid this. We try to get meanings while passions get us. Some people have already spent 17 years trying to get to the meaning of our Festival, the Festival of Psychotherapy and Practical Psychology “Christmas-Tide meetings”. Now the meaning is here again, we are all working passionately and we are happy to invite to join us for this 17th time.
The fact that this invitation is offered to you from President of the Christmas-Tide Academy is an omen of time.. The Academy is a group of prominent professionals that is getting more and more influential in the Christmas-Tide community, which secures a high professional level of the Festival. Yet, Jacues Lacan’s motto “to discover the meaning of our experience” remains relevant even to the most experienced mental health professional.
Each of the participants has their own meaning of coming to Sviatky, their own reason, as well as hidden and obvious passions related to the Festival. When the Academy discussed the potential theme for this Festival there were a lot of speeches about how our work is affected by meanings and passions in the internal world of human beings, in human relationships, in their troubles, and in any area of human life. Now Svitaky is turning 17 so we can have an “adult” discussion of these issues.
No one can predict the outcome of such a discussion; however we have gained quite significant experience in establishing a comfortable and safe environment to give passions a meaning and fill meaning with passions. Just like in everyday life here people always come across structures, rules, convictions and feelings, desires, and fantasies. The possibility of having communication in the various areas of the Festival do not just imply professional dialogue but shared rest, games, contests, movie  discussions, tours, sea-bathing, etc.
Everybody coming to Sviatky will bring their own meanings and passions thus contributing to the meanings and passions of the Festival. I am sure we will have something nobody will forget.
Sergey Ivanov
President Christmas-Tide Academy
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16th Festival of Psychotherapy and Practical Psychology

Christmas-Tide Meetings-2010

January, 8-13, 2010

Recreation Centre “Burgas”, Sochi, Russia


The Festival is organised by

Information Agency in Mental Health Area «ProPsy»

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Stavropol Regional Psychoanalytical Association

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Official partners

Psychiatric Educational Foundation «PsykOpp»

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Training and Psychodrama Institute, Rostov-on-Don, accrediting organizations of European Federation of training organisations in the area of psychodrama

(FEPTO Accrediting Organization)

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Russian Rorschach Society


Organisational partner

Tourist Agency «TurObzor»

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Dear Colleagues!

I am especially happy to invite you all to the 16th Festival of Psychotherapy and Practical Psychology.

First of all, because 16 is my favourite number, and second, because, scared with the economic recession we managed to develop a very interesting programme before the end of summer, and now you can to choose something that you like best from what the leaders have to offer you.

The world crisis has determined the theme of the Festival «Possibilities and Limitations». Crisis is the best time to conduct an inspection into our professional household to see how established our methods are, how efficient are the social and organizational systems where we live and where we carry out our professional projects, to see the possibilities and limitations of human psyche. These are the major issues to discuss at our traditional meeting.

The work-shops at this Festival will allow you to get deeper into the finest issues of clinical work to discuss the proposed models of work in the public sector of mental health, to gain fresh ideas about various methods of the modern psychotherapy, to continue a research into oneself under the conditions created by qualified specialists. The informal talks and in large groups will help you think over what you will see and discuss the new experience.

Sviatky is a holiday, and this year we have special reasons to celebrate. The programme includes events to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the International Psychoanalytical Association, with a separate part of the programme assigned to eth 125th Anniversary of Hermann Rorschach.

I am excited to invite you to the warmest place in Russia – to Adler. We will have a perfect opportunity to communicate, and only the time allocated for the Festival will be our limitation!

You are welcome to spend this time together with us!

Alexey Koryoukin

Director of Festival

Обновлено 04.11.2012 11:38

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